Starting Over…Again​

This is the third time (give or take), but I’m going to try this again. This being blogging consistently. The last year has been brutal, and blogging was the part of my life that got left behind. After making an international move back to the U.S., my life still feels unstable; but I also know that it’s time to start over, once more, in hopes of finally being able to create and settle into a life that feels fulfilling and purposeful.

Starting over is hard because it’s full of uncertainty and there’s no way to really know if you’re making the right choice or if you should have simply stuck with what was “comfortable.” Not because it was good for you, but because it was familiar and safe. However, I have to start over. When I left the U.S. I was searching for something different, and I would have to say that I found it. I am different now. But with those differences, I also have to find a way to create a new space to exist in now that I am back home.

Part of that means returning to writing, once again, because I can’t let go of the feeling that it’s important to who I am. Hopefully, I’m right, and things work out for the best. Either way, I have to try and this seems like a good enough start as any.

So, here I go again! Wish me luck!





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