Knitting To Cast Off

This is mostly a personal post documenting my daily challenge from my “What About Me?” Post.

30 Days of Knitting 

Day 1 kind of sucked. I started out strong from the night before, until I went to try the  purl stitch (which looked so simple) and kept twisting and adding on stitches. Agh

Until hours later and I got it!!!

Day 2 stockinette stitch went fabulous

Day 3 time to start my first real project – a patterned dishcloth. It’s easier than I thought (only messed up once)

Day 4 I’m already starting to feel fatigued. It’s weird how I have to stop myself from having thoughts of rewarding mediocrity. Like part of me was all ” oh I’ve gotten this far and am doing so well, maybe I’ll take a day or two off to make up for it.”

Day 5 a baby headband was planned, but I’m still working on my dishcloth oops

Day 6 I finished my dish cloth!!! Off to my next project!

Day 7 after spending too much time looking at patterns and finished projects on Ravelry, I want to try something more intricate. So I’m going for the xoxo cable pattern, in a mug cozy.

Day 8 upon further study, I realized that the xoxo was not a beginner cable stitch and perhaps it would have been better to start with something more simple…

Day 9 I know this knitting challenge was meant to learn a new craft, but it was also made up in an attempt for me to do something for myself. Yet, I feel guilty. I feel like taking the time to do this is tearing me away from my family because it takes time. And although I knit around them, it takes a certain level of concentration and detachment.

Day 10 I finished the mug cozy, and in the process of doing so learned how to make button holes (casting on midwork)! Also, learned I have a lot to practice (i.e. Kfb, ssk, icords and the cable method cast on)

Day 11 I was sick and, but I persisted and knit a tiny bow.

Day 12 my order of yarn and needles came!!! I feel like an official knitter! So, what way to celebrate besides starting my first big project.

Day 13 I’m going semi strong with my laptop sleeve, learned to switch colors and I’m trying a new shadow chevron stitch in a self made pattern- but goodness this seems like it’ll take forever!

Day 14 I try to knit while baby bean is napping (so I can concentrate), and it works for the most part, until she wakes up as I’m in the middle of a row (of course).

Day 15 I’m almost halfway through the month, and I don’t know how I feel about all of this. I like knitting, but today was hard. I wanted to sleep, but forced myself to knit two rows. It brings up an interesting conundrum. How much of a hobby is supposed to be work vs enjoyment?

Day 16 I read an article that talked about things someone wished she had known before she started knitting. One of the tips was to enjoy the process and be less focused on the final project, I get that but I’m impatient lol!!

Day 17 small projects are a necessity – they keep me motivated to keep going and help me learn and experiment with new techniques. Hence, I have completed a heart and learned how to do the kfb increase and weave in my ends.

Day 18 oh my goodness, there’s like a blackhole of patterns to try (once you go in, you don’t come back)

Day 19 it’s finally becoming relaxing to knit, except I so prefer knit stitches to purls

Day 20 I’m proud of my progress, and finally think this has become a habit, even if only knit a couple rows per night.

Day 21 my laptop cover is really coming along! I’m so happy that I was able to make up my own pattern to personalize it.

Day 22 I tried knitting on the go (in the car) and learned that I apparently get car sick 😦

Day 23 Realizing I have no understanding of how much yarn is necessary for any given project. Pretty sure I’m going to run out of yarn for the two wips (Works in progress) I have.

Day 24 I am steadily working on my second project – which is a braided ball for my daughter! It’s a simple knit in stockinette stitch (ughh sometimes I hate purling).

Day 25 I wish I could knit faster – I know it takes time, but OMG! I’m thinking it might help if I learn the other style (Continental Knitting).

Day 26 I have to order more yarn! Part of me dreads spending the money, while the other half is super excited. Now, I just have to find some more project ideas.

Day 27 I saw a sewing bag today that would be great for my knitting, seriously thinking about going back to buy it.

Day 28 My laptop case is getting easier to knit. I’m starting to be able to read my stitches and catch myself if I’m about to make a mistake.

Day 29 I learned the raspberry stitch today. It was a lot of fun, and I used it to make a little sleeve for my knitting scissors. I think it will also make a great headband design.

Day 30 I did it! I can’t even explain how proud of myself I am to sticking with it. Despite being out all day, I came home, sat down and knit up a mini project.

Knitting has definitely become something I’m invested in for the time being. It’s been great to have something to think about and work on. It’s stress relieving and encouraging to see how capable I am of learning new things.

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